The Tabletop Simulator is available for schools, in limited areas, to borrow. The simulator offers multiple modules to complete, covering all risks a new driver will encounter. The user can set up a unique User ID and go through all modules, or use one User ID and focus on one risk.
What Would You Do? Risk Scenarios
This activity is a great way to bring awareness to 5 of the top risks for teen passengers and drivers. The scenarios will immerse students in real-life situations, which they may face as drivers or passengers, challenging them to understand the consequences of their decisions without any actual danger.
TDS Risk Flash Cards
Use the flashcards included in your resource kit to help spread the safe driving message at your school. Items Needed Flashcards from your resource kits. Ways to Use Quiz your […]
Kahoot! Challenge Central
Using Kahoot, a game-based learning application, your TDS team will promote an online trivia challenge to be completed by students. Our program has many different Kahoot! challenges to choose from that focus on each of the safe driving risks. Our Take 5 Kahoot! challenges consist of 5 questions, while our other challenges go more in-depth.
New Member Recruitment
Parent Escape Room
A parent interactive game to help them learn and understand the risks their teens face behind the wheel.