As a passenger, you may feel your role is simple – keep flipping stations to avoid commercials, talk about your day, and help the driver follow GPS directions. While these […]
Finding Ways to Break the Habit of Texting and Driving
Who hasn’t heard that texting and driving don’t mix? Certainly, by now, we all know that it’s a dangerous distraction. So, why are we still doing it? Isn’t that the […]
Teens in the Driver Seat® “Zero Crazy!” Activity Seeks to Reduce Distracted Driving Among Teens
Social media isn’t going away soon, so educating younger drivers about the dangers of distracted driving is key to reducing deaths among them on our nation’s roadways.
What kind of friends are your passengers?
Who is excited that you or your BFF is or has received their license? What’s not to be excited about, right? Getting a license is one more step toward…FREEDOM…from being […]
A teen driver and teen passengers are a deadly mix
AAA recently presented a study showing risky behavior increases for 16- and 17-year-old drivers as the number of teen passengers grows.
You know teen passengers are risky, here’s why
A new study not only shows having another teen in the car is dangerous, but also pin-points why.