During the fall of 2019, Teens in the Driver Seat (TDS) launched the 7th annual Zero Crazy activity to increase seat belt use among teen drivers and passengers at TDS schools. Take a look at the results!
Spring 2019 Summary of “Zero Crazy” Results – Focus on Electronic Use
High school student teams were asked to observe teen drivers and log if they were or were not visibly using an electronic device. Junior High student teams were asked to observe adult drivers and log electronic use.
As a continuation of last year’s discovery, when we compare schools that have participated in the activity multiple years with first-year activity schools, we found that the multi-year (participated 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 years) young driver pre-observations were higher than first-year young driver pre-observations. These results suggest regular focus on this risk is resulting in less young driver distractions over time.