The Driving the Message contest is sponsored by State Farm.
Congratulations to all our entries and winners!
Download these posters and more>
POSTER Winners
First Place:
Lindsey Morrison |
Second Place:
Kayleigh Kowaleski |
Third Place:
Maria Ramirez |
Teen Choice:
Andrew Woodward |
Junior High Special Recognition:
Holly Nguyen |
Honorable Mention:
Christina Lazutkin |
Honorable Mention:
Jake Luedecke |
Honorable Mention:
Dawson Hirt |
Honorable Mention:
Fionne Tran |
Honorable Mention:
Riley Taber |
Honorable Mention:
Dorothy Mantle |
Honorable Mention:
Hanson Phung |
Honorable Mention:
Vivian Ton |
Honorable Mention:
Samantha Pineda |
Honorable Mention:
Angela Xia |
Honorable Mention:
Anushri Gupta |
Honorable Mention:
Lauren Hatch |
PSA Video Winners:
First Place:“Even Dogs Know”
Jesse Jenkinson, Luis Perkins, Matthew Torrez, Arturo Martinez, Isabella Sosa, Reyna Hixson
Communications Arts High School San Antonio, Texas |
Second Place:“Texting and Driving Don’t Mix”
Thomas Rhea Guidry, Brian Kimble, Connor Kimball Uvalde High School Uvalde, Texas |
Third Place:“3 Seconds” |
Directors Choice:
Teen Choice:
Honorable Mention“Friends Don’t Let Friends Text and Drive” |
Other Winners: