Site icon Teens in the Driver Seat

Kahoot! Challenge Central

Using Kahoot, a game-based learning application, your TDS team will promote an online trivia challenge to be completed by students. These 5-question trivia challenges are available on all the top risk factors for teen drivers – distractions, nighttime driving, speeding, low seatbelt use, and impairment – plus there are also challenges that focus on pedestrian safety, bicycle safety, and safety around trains and trucks.

Each challenge provides vital information in an educational and entertaining format. Select a trivia topic that complements other activities you are doing or talk to your regional representative about which trivia challenge to use for your activity.

Please note that the laws referenced in the pedestrian and bicycle safety challenges are specific to Texas.

 Items Needed

  • Unique Link to selected Kahoot trivia challenge (provided by your regional representative upon request)
  • Take 5 Kahoot! Question and Answer key
  • Participants will need a computer or other electronic device with WiFi to complete the challenge.


  1. Students will access the trivia challenge at or through the Kahoot app that can be downloaded.
    Pro Tip: Encourage students to download the Kahoot app on their device prior to the activity.
  2. Share the link to the trivia challenge on your school social media sites, through campus e-mail, on a poster in the cafeteria or other high-traffic area, through classroom teachers, any way that you can think of to get students to go to the link to participate.
  3. Encourage students to complete the trivia challenge during the scheduled time.
  4. At conclusion of trivia challenge, your regional representative will send you the leader board so you can announce the top-scorers over the morning announcements or post in a high-traffic area.
  5. Your regional representative can also send you results so you can identify areas that students could benefit from more education.
  6. Don’t forget to complete an activity form on for TDS All-Star credit.
    If your school does not currently have a TDS team, locate your regional representative on our website and contact them to learn how to get one started.

 Make it GREAT

  • Promote the event to build interest.  Notify students of date(s) for scheduled trivia challenge; this can be for a day or up to a week – you decide.
  • Consider offering prizes to the top participants.
  • Set up a table during lunch periods where students can complete the challenge and receive TDS swag items for participating.
  • Following the challenge, during morning announcements, use the attached answer key to review a trivia question each day and talk about the correct answer, noting areas where students answered incorrectly.
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