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Sabine Lazo, Caldwell High School, May 2019 Teen of the Month

“The single thing that I wish I could change about my friends’ car etiquette is their general disregard for the hazards of driving. ” – Sabine Lazo

Q: Why are you involved in Teens in the Driver Seat®?
A: I’m involved with Teens in the Driver Seat through my school’s BIM II/BIM Practicum class, which won last year’s NOYS Seatbelt Safety Challenge and is looking forward to participating in the contest again this year!

Q: If you could change one thing about the way your friends drive/ride in the car, what would it be?
A: The single thing that I wish I could change about my friends’ car etiquette is their general disregard for the hazards of driving. Whether it’s a lack of seat belt safety or constant distractions while driving, I worry every day that their irresponsible behavior behind the wheel will end up with them hurt or worse.

Q: If your life had a soundtrack, what songs would be on it?
A: I like to think that my life’s soundtrack would be diverse and all-inclusive, as I strive to be, with genres ranging from musicals and country to rap and pop, with artists and groups from around the world and throughout the years.

Q: In five words or less, describe yourself.
A: Authentic, Bold, Creative, Diligent, Eccentric.

Q: Who is your favorite celebrity?
A: My favorite celebrity is Thomas Sanders. I admire his amiability and his creative talent, and I aspire to one day be as skilled at bringing people together and expressing myself as he is through his YouTube channel and other social media outlets.

Q: Who do you look up to?
A: I look up to my parents, as they dedicate themselves entirely to everything they do and work tirelessly to ensure that my life and my world is the best that they can make it.

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: My hobbies include riding and showing Paint horses, writing (from journalism to song-writing), reading a wide range of fiction and nonfiction literature, and forging connections with people from around the world.

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?
A: Although the future is always an uncertain thing, my rough plan for the next five years of my life involves devoting as much time and effort as possible to bettering my mind, body, and soul in order to better impact the world around me. More specifically, I plan to attend a four-year university, preferably a liberal arts college, and major in communication, while also expanding my knowledge in other fields of study, from foreign language to the STEM fields to best prepare for a two year term in the Peace Corps, followed by a lifetime dedicated to the service of others and the betterment of myself.

Q: If you could meet five famous people, who would they be and why?
A: Of all the world’s celebrities, there are a few who stand apart to me as the most influential and intriguing.
At the top of this list would be Jesus- not only for religious reasons, but also as a student of communication. For anyone interested in learning how best to broadcast their message, it would certainly be fascinating to speak to the man whose message spread globally and remains powerful today, though it sprang from a small, divided country in a time lacking any form of mass communication.
Next on the list would be Nelson Mandela, as I admire his sense of justice and his strength of character immensely. Though he was heavily persecuted and treated horribly, he never faltered in his quest for equality for all, and his ultimate triumph marks him as someone who, to me, would be incredible to meet.
Third on my list would be Thomas Sanders, YouTuber and my favorite celebrity alive today. Though he may not have had the earth-shaking influence of the initial two figures on my list, he has done some amazing things to promote rights for minority groups today, and he seems like he would be a genuinely pleasant and fun person to get to know.
Continuing on with modern day public figures, I would also love to meet Malala Yousafzai, youngest Nobel Peace Prize Winner and advocate for women’s education around the world. Her unique perspective on the importance of education for all, regardless of gender, circumstance, and location, inspires me to appreciate my own education to the fullest and to help others do the same.
Finally, I would love to meet Lin Manuel Miranda. His musical works and social/political activism are brilliant, and I admire him both for his skill and grace as a major public figure, and for the impact he has had on so many lives through his art and his public image.


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