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Esmerelda Trevino, Harlingen High School, February 2021 Teen of the Month

Something as simple as a seat belt can save a life, and that’s something I try and get my friends to realize..”
Esmeralda Trevino, Age 17

Q: Why are you involved in the Teens in the Driver Seat® program and what do you like most about being a part of the team?
I’m involved in TDS, because it’s a program like no other. This program has made such a difference in my life and taking part in TDS, allows me to help make a difference in others’ lives.

Q: If you could change one thing about the way your friends drive or ride in the car, what would it be?
A: I would change their mentality on safe driving. Specifically, seat belts my friends, like most teenagers, don’t think to put them on when they first enter the car and tend to forget. Because a seat belt is such a minor task, people think that it carries minor importance, but it is the exact opposite. Something as simple as a seat belt can save a life and that’s something I try and get my friends to realize.

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?
A: I see myself graduating from the Texas State BFA Acting Program, and planning on moving up to New York to pursue my acting career on the big screen and on stage.

Q: Who do you look up to?
A: I look up to Madam Vice-President Kamala Harris for many reasons. Coming from a not so politically involved family, Kamala Harris really did open a lot of my family members’ eyes as she’s not only a person of color BUT A WOMAN! Which shouldn’t be as monumental as it is because it’s sad that it’s as shocking as it was for a woman to be elected, but I wouldn’t want any other VP. In talking to my nieces after the big win, Mrs.Harris made it possible for them to not only see women in power in the movies but now right in front of them which was truly inspiring.

Q: What would you say to inspire other teens to care more about safe driving/traffic safety?
A: This generation can accomplish so much! We were meant to change the world, but we won’t be able to if we keep allowing reckless driving to come between us and our future. Make the decision to drive safely, so the decision to change the world can continue to be an option.

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