Site icon Teens in the Driver Seat

Why Walk to School Day is Important

by Waamene Yowika

Pedestrian crashes are on the rise in Texas. In 2016, 678 pedestrian fatalities occurred in Texas. Pedestrian crashes accounted for 3,434 fatal crashes (16 percent of all fatal crashes) and 6,815 severe crashes (7 percent of all serious crashes) from 2010–2016 (1).

Crossing Mid-Block? Don’t do it. Take the time to cross at the corner.

What the data also tells us is most pedestrian crashes are happening mid-block, meaning at non-pedestrian rights-of-way.

So why do we tell you this?

Well, there is work being done to prevent pedestrian crashes. On October 2nd we celebrated National Walk to School Day. This year our regional representatives partnered with Safe Kids Austin, the City of Austin, and Safe Kids San Antonio to support Teens in the Driver Seat® schools with pedestrian safety education materials. Teens gave out safety brochures, lights and put out yard signs.

But more can be done.

In case you missed it, here’s some safe walking advice:

Follow this advice to ensure your safety and share it with others. Next year, plan to participate in National Walk to School Day, which is normally the first week of October.

Not to mention, there are health benefits to walking, so it’s a bit unfortunate when people feel unsafe on the street because it discourages walking. 😥 Check out these health benefits:

It’s going to take everyone – drivers, walkers, and bikers – to ensure safety on the streets. Taking precautions and following the rules of the road is the best way to prevent injury.



Waamene Yowika is a student obtaining her bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering who comes from a background of doing IT Infrastructure for the State. On the side she does Marketing & Advertisement. She is a huge advocate for traffic safety especially Drunk Driving, Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety, Speeding, and Aggressive Driving.

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