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Why completing assessments is so important

Teens in the Driver Seat program schools are asked to administer assessments twice a year and return them before the school year ends. Have you ever wondered why or what we do with them? This is a common question and important to know.

The assessments are provided by Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), our partner in the program. TTI conducts studies and research and uses the assessments to track driving dangers and behaviors among teens and, when combined with other studies, can identify future focus areas and provide valuable insight. After years of collection, we have the largest known database of teen driving knowledge. This data is irreplaceable for our researchers.

The assessment is also important because it lets us know how we are progressing in the fight to save teen lives and helps us secure funding for the next school year. We look at how behaviors and knowledge changes over time and report progress within funding status reports and proposals.

The assessments help you, because we are able to provide a report with information on how your messages and activities are being received. A pre-assessment report will show what your students know and the post-assessment report shows what they’ve learned. It can be an invaluable tool in planning your year and messaging.

Completing and returning both pre- and post-assessments also qualifies your school to be recognized as an Outstanding School, an honor given to our most successful program schools.

It’s very important that most students in your school complete the assessment. For large schools, have at least 500 students participate, for smaller schools, 250 students is ideal. For schools with less than 250 students, ask all teens to participate.

Pre-assessments should be completed before sharing the Teens in the Driver Seat program with your school, ideally in the fall and post-assessments should be conducted after you have shares the Teens in the Driver Seat program with your school, near the end of the school year.

If you need a copy of the assessment or have questions, please contact your regional rep>

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