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October Focus – Seat Belts

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You’re a great driver, right? You feel like you’re in control and wrecks only happen with other drivers who aren’t as great behind the wheel as you are. Don’t most drivers feel this way? We are all a bit egotistical when it comes to how we drive.

So let’s say it’s true. You are always safe, obey every traffic law, are never distracted and never place yourself or others at risk. That’s great, but let’s look at some scenarios that may be out of your control.

You can probably think of many other situations that may cause a wreck and have probably even been in some close calls. The fact is, every time you get into a vehicle, you are at risk, whether driving across a parking lot or on a long road trip. Things happen which you have no control over and your last defense is a seat belt, which is why it is so important. Here are some facts for you to know:

It’s time to bust the myths!

Facts from NHTSA.

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