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Madeline Morales, O’Connor High School, March 2019 Teen of the Month

Meet Madeline, from Sandra Day O’ Connor High School in Helotes, Texas.

If your life had a soundtrack, what songs would be on it?
Bleeding Love, Just Like Heaven, Radioactive. Old songs, but always a good listen. I love the Baby Driver soundtrack and anything by Cage the Elephant and The Killers.

In five words or less, describe yourself.
Dedicated, Honest, doing my best.

Who is your favorite celebrity?
Jake Gyllenhaal! But Will Smith will always be my favorite actor, ever.

Who do you look up to?
My dad but also my best friends. They are some of the strongest and most compassionate people I have encountered.

What are your hobbies?
Usually you can find me hunched over a puzzle, listening to music, watching Naruto or hitting the bag at my gym.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
I will be 22. Hopefully in college and on my way to a successful career and life. Maybe saving cats in trees or helping the elderly cross the street. Rice University is my dream school and I hope to be there pursuing a degree in economics and computer science.

If you could change one thing about the way your friends drive or ride in the car, what would it be?
I would want my friends to be more polite and respectful of the driver and other passengers. Leaving a car a mess, or being rowdy during stressful situations takes a toll on the driver and is something that needs to be amended. Everyone should always be conscious of the state of the car and the driver so the driver can completely focus on the task at hand.

Why are you involved in Teens in the Driver Seat®?
I want my peers to be safe on the road. There are too many accidents that could be avoided. I want to do my part to ensure that no more lives are needlessly taken. I love driving and I love my friends, I don’t want there to be risks involving either.

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