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Gavin Creamer, Jeff Davis High School, December 2018

Gavin Creamer

Meet Gavin, a senior at Jeff Davis High School in Georgia. He helps with Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child which distributes gifts to children worldwide,  he is an active member and president of the local FCCLA chapter, and was voted “the Friendliest” by his peers in his junior year. Fun fact about Gavin – he actually obtained his student pilot license before his driver’s license.

Gavin met pilots from Delta recently and learned about college and the Delta program.

If your life had a soundtrack, what songs would be on it?

Danger zone Top gun soundtrack

In five words or less, describe yourself.

A very outgoing person.

Who is your favorite celebrity?

Bobby Bones

Who do you look up to?

Tony Robbins

What are your hobbies?

Fly, Read, and chill with friends

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In Atlanta flying for a small airline.

If you could meet five famous people, who would they be and why?

Tony Robbins, Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone, President Trump, and David Goggins, because they are big figures in the personal development world.

What do you want to be when you are older?

An airline pilot

If you could do anything in the world or go anywhere, what/where would it be?

I would go to Dubai because it’s diverse.

If you could change one thing about the way your friends drive or ride in the car, what would it be?

Have a better mindset and be more cautious.

Why are you involved in Teens in the Driver Seat®?

To save lives and encourage others to drive safely.

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